Pattern Matching Problem
Given a pattern and text, find the occurrences of pattern in the text
Rabin-Karp Algorithm
Every string s[] of length m can be seen as a number H written in a positional numeral system in base B (B >= size of the alphabet used in the string):
H = s[0] B (m – 1) + s[1] B (m – 2) + … + s[m - 2] B 1 + s[m - 1] B 0
If we calculate the number H (the hash value) for the pattern and the same number for every substring of length m of the text than the inner loop of the "naive" method will disappear – instead of comparing two strings character by character we will have just to compare two integers.
A problem arises when m and B are big enough and the number H becomes too large to fit into the standard integer types. To overcome this, instead of the number H itself we use its remainder when divided by some other number M. To get the remainder we do not have to calculate H.
For the sub string starting from i
Hi = ( Hi – 1 – s[i- 1] B m - 1 ) B + s[i + m - 1]
The drawback of using remainders is that it may turn out that two different strings map to the same number. This is less likely to happen if M is sufficiently large and B and M are prime numbers. Still this does not allow us to entirely skip the inner loop of the "naive" method. However, its usage is significantly limited. We have to compare the "candidate" substring of the text with the pattern character by character only when their hash values are equal.
Worst case scenario
Text : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Pattern : aaaaaaa Order : O(MN)
Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm (KMP)
Rabin-Karp Algorithm
function RabinKarp(string s[1..n], string pattern[1..m])
hpattern := hash(pattern[1..m]);
for i from 1 to n-m+1
hs := hash(s[i..i+m-1])
if hs = hpattern
if s[i..i+m-1] = pattern[1..m]
return i
return not found