
Mathematical Optimization

Optimization Problem

minimize f0(x)minimize \space f_0(x) subject to fi(x)bi,i=1,...,msubject \space to \space f_i(x) \le b_i, i = 1,...,m

  • x=(x1,x2...xn)x = (x_1, x_2 ... x_n) : Optimization variables

  • f0:RnRf_0 : \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R} : Objective function

  • fi:RnR,i=1,...,mf_i : \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}, i = 1,...,m : Constraint functions

Optimal Solution

xx^* is the smallest value of f0f_0 among all vectors that satisfy the constraints

Solving optimization problems

General optimization problem
  • Very difficult to solve

  • Not always finding the solution

  • Least-Squares problems

  • Linear programming problems

  • Convex optimization problems

Least Squares

minimize Axb22minimize \space \lVert Ax - b \rVert_2^2

  • Analytical Solution : x=(ATA)1ATbx^* = (A^TA)^{-1}A^Tb

Linear Programming

minimize cTxminimize \space c^Tx subject to aiTxbi,i=1,...,msubject \space to \space a_i^Tx \le b_i, i = 1,...,m

Convex Optimizatiom

Objective and Constraint functions should be convex

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