Convex Sets
Affine Set
Line through x1,x2; all points
x=θx1+(1−θ)x2, θ∈R
Contains the line through any two distinct points in the set
Convex Set
Line segment between x1 and x2; all points
x=θx1+(1−θ)x2, 0≤θ≤1
So all affine sets are convex but converse may not be true
Convex combination and Convex hull
Convex combination of x1,x2,...xk: any point x of the form
with θ1+θ2+...+θk=1,θi≥0
Convex hull S : Set of all convex combinations of points in S
Convex Cone
Conic(non negative) combination of x1 and x2; any point of the form
x=θ1x1+θ2x2, θ1≥0,θ2≥0
Set of the form {x ∣ aTx=b}(a≠0)
Half spaces
Set of the form {x ∣ aTx=b}(a≤0)
Euclidian Balls
Ball with center xc and radius r
B(xc,r)={x ∣ ∥x−xc∥2≤r}
Set of the form
{x ∣ (x−xc)TP−1(x−xc)≤1}
with P∈S++n i.e, symmetric positive definite
Norm balls and Norm cones
Norm : A function ∥ ⋅ ∥ that satisfies
- ∥x∥≥0;∥x∥=0<=>x=0
- ∥tx∥=∣t∣∥x∥;t∈R
- ∥x+y∥≤∥x∥+∥y∥
Euclidian ball is the special case of norm ball with two norm
Norm ball with center xc and radius r is defined as {x ∣ ∥x−xc∥≤r}
Norm cone is {(x,t) ∣ ∥x∥≤t}
Both norm balls and norm cones are convex
Solution set of finitely many equalities and inequalities
A∈RmXn,C∈RpXn,⪯ is component wise inequality
Polyhedra is an intersection of finate number of halfspaces and hyperplanes
Positive semidefinate cone
- Sn is set of symmetric n X n matrices
- S+n={X∈Sn ∣ X⪰0}
X∈Sn+<=>zTXz≥0 ∀ z
Sn+ is a convex cone
- S+n={X∈Sn ∣ X≻0}
Intersection of any number of convex sets is convex
Affine function
Suppose f:Rn→Rm is affine (f(x)=Ax+b);A∈RmXn,B∈Rm
Convex set under affine function f is convex
S⊆Rn convex <=>f(S)={f(x)∣x∈S} is convex
Convex set under inverse of affine function is also convex
S⊆Rm convex <=>f−1(S)={f−1(x)∣x∈S} is convex
Perspective and linear-fractional function